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Portfolio tag: branding

Damax Identity

DAMAX, specialists in providing Health and Development business Consulting services, contacted us to design their company profile and company brochure as per the company's brand guide.

Kijana Ongea: Chat Forum

Morbi id maximus ligula. Duis tempus quis nunc facilisis rutrum. Ut ligula est, egestas non tempus ut, vulputate nec risus. Sed efficitur erat est, eu suscipit dolor varius id. Maecenas vestibulum nibh eget ornare rutrum. Vivamus ac purus a metus sodales placerat vel maximus risus. Integer ac sem blandit, elementum purus vitae, finibus orci. Praesent molestie, ligula vitae ultrices hendrerit, nulla nisl fringilla ipsum, sit amet eleifend turpis lorem quis risus. Proin congue ex orci, eu faucibus leo lacinia sed. Nulla molestie turpis felis, a vulputate enim scelerisque sit amet. Ut id tincidunt est, in congue quam.

Advance Afrika

This group of associates needed the look that not only represented their African originality but also display their organizational culture and professionalism as well. We were privileged to make the firm's logo and stationery look that was used as the firm's official brand identifiers.