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Portfolio tag: identity

Projekt Inspire Characters

Character design work done was aimed at easing the communication Gap between Projekt Inspire and the organization's targeted beneficiaries, who are youth in schools who needed to be mentored by their brothers and sisters working in fields they aspire to grow into.

Booklet for United Nations Association of Tanzania

This booklet was designed to show the state of youth participation in different levels of decision making bodies and to encourage them to start being a part of the changes they envision in their societies.

United Nations Association: Vijana na Mikopo

Nunc vitae scelerisque ipsum, sit amet interdum ligula. Quisque suscipit felis non quam facilisis consequat. Sed in mattis turpis. Nam euismod elit in mi finibus, et vulputate lorem porttitor. Etiam neque turpis, maximus sed libero vitae, fermentum laoreet libero. Curabitur at sem vestibulum, feugiat diam eu, rhoncus arcu. Mauris quis augue finibus orci fermentum ornare sit amet eget purus. Vestibulum urna nisl, bibendum non neque ac, convallis ultrices libero. Donec tristique ultricies dolor, vel efficitur libero lacinia convallis. Nulla finibus mollis consequat. Aliquam ut interdum dolor. Vivamus eget massa eget purus ultrices sodales. Etiam tincidunt arcu id feugiat venenatis.

Damax Identity

DAMAX, specialists in providing Health and Development business Consulting services, contacted us to design their company profile and company brochure as per the company's brand guide.

Advance Afrika

This group of associates needed the look that not only represented their African originality but also display their organizational culture and professionalism as well. We were privileged to make the firm's logo and stationery look that was used as the firm's official brand identifiers.